Fotos en concierto de “Eagles of Death Metal” momentos previos a la matanza en Bataclan

Fotos en concierto de “Eagles of Death Metal” momentos previos a la matanza en Bataclan

Imágenes del grupo de rock estadounidense “Eagles of Death Metal” en el escenario el 13 de noviembre de 2015 en la sala de conciertos Bataclan en París, momentos previos antes de que cuatro hombres armados con rifles de asalto y gritando “Allahu Akbar” (“Dios es grande!”).

Jihadistas del Estado Isalámico irrumpieron en el lugar y dispararon a los presentes, como parte de los ataques coordinados por hombres armados y terroristas suicidas en París en el que murieron al menos 128 personas.


American rock group Eagles of Death Metal perform on stage on November 13, 2015 at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, few moments before four men armed with assault rifles and shouting “Allahu akbar” (“God is great!”) stormed into the venue. Islamic State jihadists on November 14, 2015 claimed a series of coordinated attacks by gunmen and suicide bombers in Paris that killed at least 128 people in scenes of carnage at the Bataclan, restaurants and the national stadium. AFP PHOTO / ROCK&FOLK / MARION RUSZNIEWSKI
American rock group Eagles of Death Metal perform on stage on November 13, 2015 at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, few moments before four men armed with assault rifles and shouting “Allahu akbar” (“God is great!”) stormed into the venue. Islamic State jihadists on November 14, 2015 claimed a series of coordinated attacks by gunmen and suicide bombers in Paris that killed at least 128 people in scenes of carnage at the Bataclan, restaurants and the national stadium. AFP PHOTO / ROCK&FOLK / MARION RUSZNIEWSKI
American rock group Eagles of Death Metal perform on stage on November 13, 2015 at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, few moments before four men armed with assault rifles and shouting “Allahu akbar” (“God is great!”) stormed into the venue. Islamic State jihadists on November 14, 2015 claimed a series of coordinated attacks by gunmen and suicide bombers in Paris that killed at least 128 people in scenes of carnage at the Bataclan, restaurants and the national stadium. AFP PHOTO / ROCK&FOLK / MARION RUSZNIEWSKI
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