Al menos un muerto y 13 heridos en atropello masivo en Times Square (fotos)

Al menos un muerto y 13 heridos en atropello masivo en Times Square (fotos)




Al menos una persona murió y otras trece resultaron heridas en Times Square al ser atropelladas por un automóvil que entró en esa plaza de Nueva York a gran velocidad, según informes oficiales y testigos.

Uno de los testigos, Hamid el Hamed, dijo a Efe que el vehículo entró a la plaza a gran velocidad, desde el lado sur de la ciudad, y arrolló a varias personas antes de chocar contra un poste.

Informes oficiales indican que han resultado heridas al menos trece personas, mientras que otras fuentes han señalado a canales locales que entre las víctimas hay un fallecido.

Las autoridades no han aclarado si se está manejando los hechos como un accidente o como un acto deliberado para atacar a las personas que se encontraban en esa plaza, una de las más visitadas por los turistas que llegan a Nueva York.

Según dijeron fuentes policiales a Efe, el conductor del vehículo, que no ha sido identificado, ha sido detenido.

La zona ha quedado acordonada por agentes policiales y en el lugar hay numerosos vehículos policiales y de emergencia. El auto se encontraba en la plaza, ligeramente volcando y saliendo humo desde abajo. EFE

First responders are assisting injured pedestrians after a vehicle struck pedestrians on a sidewalk in Times Square in New York, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Jeremy Schultz
First responders are assisting injured pedestrians after a vehicle struck pedestrians on a sidewalk in Times Square in New York, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Jeremy Schultz
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured woman is seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk inn New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar
ATTENTION EDITORS – VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured woman is seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk inn New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar
First responders are at the scene as people help injured pedestrians after a vehicle struck pedestrians on a sidewalk in Times Square in New York, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Jeremy Schultz
First responders are at the scene as people help injured pedestrians after a vehicle struck pedestrians on a sidewalk in Times Square in New York, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Jeremy Schultz
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured man is seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk in New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar
ATTENTION EDITORS – VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY An injured man is seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk in New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar
First responders are assisting injured pedestrians after a vehicle struck pedestrians on a sidewalk in Times Square in New York, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Jeremy Schultz
First responders are assisting injured pedestrians after a vehicle struck pedestrians on a sidewalk in Times Square in New York, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Jeremy Schultz
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY Injured people are seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk in New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar
ATTENTION EDITORS – VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY Injured people are seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk in New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY Injured people are seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk in New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar
ATTENTION EDITORS – VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY Injured people are seen on the sidewalk in Times Square after a speeding vehicle struck pedestrians on the sidewalk in New York City, U.S., May 18, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar