La Torre Grenfell, un totem siniestro en el corazón del Londres rico (fotos)

La Torre Grenfell, un totem siniestro en el corazón del Londres rico (fotos)

Smoke and flames billows from Grenfell Tower as firefighters attempt to control a blaze at a residential block of flats on June 14, 2017 in west London. At least six people were killed Wednesday when a massive fire tore through a London apartment block in the middle of the night, with witnesses reporting terrified people had leapt from the 24-storey tower. / AFP PHOTO / Adrian DENNIS


En el barrio más rico de Londres hay Ferraris, casitas de ensueño, flores en los balcones, fachadas coloridas, y, de repente, un gran edificio de viviendas sociales calcinado, la Grenfell Tower, habitado hasta ayer por gente humilde.

Este jueves, un día después de sufrir un incendio que dejó al menos 17 muertos, el edificio de 24 plantas se asemejaba a un gran esqueleto alzándose hacia el cielo azul.

A sus pies, tras el cordón se seguridad, se percibía la solidaridad de los londinenses, mientras el viento traía el olor a plástico quemado.

Venidos de los cuatro rincones de la ciudad, los londinenses trajeron cajas de ropa, comida y agua. Bajo el puente de la autovía A40, que pasa cerca del edificio, unos voluntarios pugnaban por ordenar los donativos, hasta el punto de que las autoridades hicieron un llamamiento a no llevar nada más.

“Se nota un gran espíritu de solidaridad, sobre todo de la gente del barrio”, constató Sarah Archer, de 34 años, haciendo cola ante una tabla de ping pong azul, punto de encuentro improvisado de los voluntarios.

Alrededor de ella los vecinos van y vienen, entre ellos muchas mujeres con velo acompañadas de niños.

-‘Una fuerte mezcla’-

“La gente se siente impotente, no sabe qué hacer y trae donativos”, explicó Sonia, una mujer argelina que acababa de consolar a una amiga que busca a su familia, de la que nada sabe desde el incendio.

“Aquí nos conocemos todos. Es un barrio muy mezclado, con musulmanes y no musulmanes, muchas familias con niños”, explicó esta mujer que la noche del drama podía escuchar los llantos y gritos que salían del edificio.

La Torre Grenfell está en el distrito de Chelsea y Kensington, uno de los barrios más ricos del mundo, y en el que hay diferencias económicas notables.

Basta caminar un poco para pasar de los coches y tiendas de lujo a zonas que no desentonarían en países pobres.

El miércoles, el ex primer ministro conservador David Cameron expresó su “horror” al ver a su barrio golpeado de esta manera. Y es que Cameron vive a unos minutos del edificio, en el próspero y bohemio Notting Hill, muy famoso por la película homónima de Julia Roberts y Hugh Grant, su carnaval y su mercado callejero de Portobello Road.

-‘Muy indignado’-

En realidad, Notting Hill es otro mundo, comparado con los alrededores de la Torre Grenfell Tower, rodeada de otros tres rascacielos de más de 20 plantas que, ahora más que nunca, no inspiran ninguna confianza de sus moradores.

“Hace 23 años que vivo en esta torre y nunca me sentí seguro”, confió Soran Karimi, de 31 años, recibiendo a la AFP en un edificio frente al de Grenfell. Él tampoco olvidará jamás lo que vio y escuchó a aquella noche.

Hoy, “como mucha gente del barrio”, está “muy indignado”. “Las alarmas anti-incendio no funcionaban. Eso nunca hubiera ocurrido en Chelsea”, el barrio afluente del mismo distrito. “Pero aquí vive la clase obrera, gente de diferentes orígenes, a la que no se presta atención”, denunció.

Enterarse de que la primera ministra conservadora Theresa May visitó el lugar el jueves le deja indiferente. “Viene solamente por la imagen, es una de las personas que recorta los presupuestos desde hace años”, dijo este treintañero que espera que la elección de una diputada laborista en las últimas legislativas cambie la suerte del distrito.

“Espero que esta tragedia cambie las cosas”, ahondó Nana Akuffo, de 46 años, que vive en otro de los grandes edificios y que nunca imaginó que una cosa semejante pudiera ocurrir en “casa de los ricos”.

Entre sospechas de que el revestimiento instalado apenas una año en la fachada de la Torre Grenfell jugó un papel en la rápida expansión del fuego, Akala, un rapero y escritor del barrio, explicó que lo colocaron “solamente para que los ricos que viven enfrente tuvieran una vista más agradable de este edificio horrible”, que ya casi no existe.

por Jacques KLOPP/AFP

Wellwishers write messages on a wall of condolence following the blaze at Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London on June 15, 2017. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Wellwishers write messages on a wall of condolence following the blaze at Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London on June 15, 2017.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Two women embrace in the vicinity of the destroyed Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London on June 15, 2017. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Two women embrace in the vicinity of the destroyed Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London on June 15, 2017.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
A local resident stands on her balcony by the gutted Grenfell Tower in west London on June 15, 2017. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
A local resident stands on her balcony by the gutted Grenfell Tower in west London on June 15, 2017.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London which was gutted by fire on June 15, 2017. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London which was gutted by fire on June 15, 2017.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Fires still burn in Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London that was caught in a huge blaze on June 15, 2017. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Fires still burn in Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London that was caught in a huge blaze on June 15, 2017.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Firemen standing among debris in a childrens playground look at Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London that was gutted in a huge blaze on June 15, 2017. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 17 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Firemen standing among debris in a childrens playground look at Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block in west London that was gutted in a huge blaze on June 15, 2017.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 17 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Two women talk in the shadow of Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block that was gutted in a fire in west London on June 15, 2017. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 17 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
Two women talk in the shadow of Grenfell Tower, a residential tower block that was gutted in a fire in west London on June 15, 2017.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 17 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of residential tower block Grenfell Tower are pictured, in west London on June 15, 2017, a day after it was gutted by fire. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of residential tower block Grenfell Tower are pictured, in west London on June 15, 2017, a day after it was gutted by fire.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of residential tower block Grenfell Tower are pictured, in west London on June 15, 2017, a day after it was gutted by fire. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of residential tower block Grenfell Tower are pictured, in west London on June 15, 2017, a day after it was gutted by fire.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of residential tower block Grenfell Tower are seen from Dixon House a nearby tower block, in west London on June 15, 2017, a day after it was gutted by fire. Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN
The remains of residential tower block Grenfell Tower are seen from Dixon House a nearby tower block, in west London on June 15, 2017, a day after it was gutted by fire.
Firefighters searched for bodies today in a London tower block gutted by a blaze that has already left 12 dead, as questions grew over whether a recent refurbishment contributed to the fire. / AFP PHOTO / Tolga AKMEN