Ella es la Rapunzel pelirroja de carne y hueso que había sufrido calvicie (WOW)

Ella es la Rapunzel pelirroja de carne y hueso que había sufrido calvicie (WOW)

Conoce a la “Rapunzel pelirroja de carne y hueso”. Anastasia Sidorov, una pelirroja y rusa sexy que tenía la confianza destruida.

A los 18 años de edad fue diagnosticada con alopecia, su cabello comenzó a caer en enormes trozos y sufrió de calvicie. Gracias a un tratamiento especializado y champús, ahora tiene una fluída cabellera que miden más de 90 centímetros de largo.

The beauty has appeared in advertisements for Pantene shampoo that have appeared in Russian magazines 

She told her 238,000 Instagram followers selecting the wrong type of shampoo can have lasting damage on your hair

Anastasia says many people often face a season of hair loss but this is ok if the body's iron content is normal and there are no hormonal changes

She also takes a daily supplement of omega-3 and vitamin D to keep her hair healthy

She now shares her tips for glossy hair on her social media page

Moscovite Anastasia says on her Instagram page she is now a certified trichologist and charges £54 for each session

The causes of alopecia are not entirely known but it is believed the hair loss condition could be related to stress 

Anastasia's special shampoo has sulphates in it and she uses a_0005

She is now 23 and with flowing hair but has recently told how she suffered from baldness from the age of 18, which destroyed her confidence 

Anastasia went to see an expert who began a long treatment of care that managed to reverse the condition that was blighting her life 


001_It's hard to believe Anastasia Sidorov once suffered from the debilitating condition hair loss alopecia but she now has stunning long hair

The determined young woman has since trained as a hair loss expert and now shares her tips for a healthy mane on social media