People denounce that in Bolívar State in southern Venezuela, patients are dying due to lack of medicines in hospitals

People denounce that in Bolívar State in southern Venezuela, patients are dying due to lack of medicines in hospitals

Freddy Valera: En Bolívar, los pacientes agonizan por falta de medicina en hospitales mientras autoridades ignoran la crisis




The deputy to the Legislative Council of Bolívar State in southern Venezuela and the Sectional Secretary General of ‘Acción Democrática’ (AD, Democratic Action), Freddy Valera, denounced through a press release the serious shortage of medicines and supplies in the hospitals and outpatient clinics of all the state, a situation that has transformed healthcare, far from a right and duty of the State, into a luxury that most citizens cannot afford.

Pableysa Ostos / Correspondent

“The government, both regional and national, has completely abandoned the healthcare sector. In the hospitals there are no medicines, the surgery rooms lack the basic supplies to operate and patients must buy absolutely everything,” Valera said.

The political leader stated that this situation is part of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, where patients and their families must not only face the disease, but also the via crucis of obtaining the necessary supplies to be treated.

“It is inhumane that, in the midst of such a serious economic crisis, people have to raffle off their lives to get medicines in hospitals and outpatient clinics. Health is a right enshrined in the Constitution, but in practice the authorities avoid the issue,” he pointed out.

Likewise, he condemned the indolent attitude of the leaders of Bolívar State, who instead of addressing the crisis in the healthcare sector, are dedicated to promoting a management that is limited to “redecorating” healthcare centers, while patients are dying as a result of the lack of resources.

“While resources are approved for healthcare centers, in Bolívar we cannot access medicines in hospitals. It is good that they paint them, but that does not solve the primary and urgent problems of the people,” he stated.

The regional parliamentarian reminded local and national authorities that it is their responsibility to provide an immediate response to the health crisis.