Venezuelan Chavismo warns Bolívar public transportation providers: “There is no need to aid in any way the mobilization of María Corina Machado”

Venezuelan Chavismo warns Bolívar public transportation providers: “There is no need to aid in any way the mobilization of María Corina Machado”

Chavismo advierte a transportistas de Bolívar: “No hay que hacerle ninguna movilización a María Corina Machado”




The official agenda for María Corina Machado’s visit to Bolívar State was announced on Monday, June 3rd, at night. On the afternoon of this Tuesday, June 4th, through a WhatsApp audio, the President of Setra Bolívar (Transport union), Adolfo Báez, sent a message to all the state’s transport providers in which he told them: “We have to be loyal, loyal, loyal to our President Nicolás Maduro. Please, let’s not take out the units (buses) tomorrow.”

Pableysa Ostos/Correspondent

“We must demonstrate loyalty to our president Nicolás Maduro so that we can affirm that in Bolívar State all transport providers support Nicolás Maduro, that we will not go out to aid the mobilization of this citizen María Corina. Please, gentlemen, I leave that on the conscience of each president, each union, and we can do that. One day when we do not go out, it will not kill us nor will we die because of it. Please, gentlemen,” he said in the audio that circulates throughout the transport groups of this state located in the south of Venezuela.

Mayra Salazar, representative of the Bolivarian Movement of Bolívar State, also issued an audio in which she called on “all comrades, revolutionary men and women, followers of Chávez’s legacy.”

“Tomorrow (this Wednesday, June 5th) there is no need to carry out any mobilization or accompaniment of the citizen María Corina. We must be loyal to the country, loyal to the legacy of our commander Chávez, loyal to our president Nicolás Maduro Moro. We must defend our revolution and stand firm. Tomorrow, once again, we as good revolutionaries must defend and maintain the loyalty to our country,” Salazar stated.

“Today we are experiencing what we have seen throughout the country. Obstacles and the paralysis of transportation when María Corina arrives. They threatened me that if I moved (carried) people, they would take me off the gasoline list,” said an anonymous transporter.

In its organization plan, the opposition had about 18 buses to mobilize the inhabitants of the Unare parish, who wanted to attend the rally in La Churuata, Puerto Ordaz, leaving from various points in that parish.