In January they will designate the 24 regional commissions for the opposition primaries -

In January they will designate the 24 regional commissions for the opposition primaries

Photo: La Patilla


The members of the National Commission for Primaries ceased their activities for which they were designated this year on November 15th.

By La Patilla – Dexcy Guedez

Dec 19, 2022

As reported by María Carolina Uzcátegui, a principal member of that commission, the balance is quite satisfactory.

She indicated that by December 12th they had already closed the consultation process, which ended with the meeting with Monsignor Baltazar Porras, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Caracas.

Ms. Uzcátegui highlighted that during this process they have interacted with political and civil society organizations, all of which have made important contributions to the difficult decisions that the members of the National Commission of Primaries must take.

They also defined the ideal profile for the members of the Regional Primary Boards, who according to her, should not have any militancy or political affinity and should be widely recognized as honorable in their regions.

“The idea is to replicate the model that was established to designate the members of the National Commission, in such a way that they generate confidence in the different factors that wish to participate in the primary process,” remarked Uzcátegui.

She confirmed that the applications for the regional commissions were extended until December 30th, by which date they hope to have the teams of the 24 states of the country formed, and during the first half of January to be able to designate the different boards in every state.

Petition to the CNE

Likewise, the member of the National Commission for Primaries reported that they met with the board of directors of the National Electoral Council, a meeting that she described as “very respectful and cordial”, to request the opening of special days for new voter registration and the updating of voters data that currently can only be be done only in the 24 state capitals of the country.

“We want special days to be held in every municipality so that the more than 4 million Venezuelans, who are currently unable to vote because they have not been able to register or update their information, can have the opportunity to participate in the process that we are organizing,” pointed out Uzcátegui.

Read More: La Patilla – In January they will designate the 24 regional commissions for the opposition primaries

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